Measuring light pollution

Artificial lights are threatening the starry nights. Too much and wrong lighting illuminates the sky. By this you can see only the brightest stars, fainter stars are invisible in light polluted areas. More information about this subject you can find on the homepages of:

Some results for this Astronomy-Online project can be found here!

We want try to measure light pollution in Europe!

This can be done by looking for the faintest stars you can see with the naked eye. Stellar brightnesses are measured in magnitudes (mag): the brightest stars are about 0 mag, the faintest to the naked eye about 6 mag (or 5 or even 7) - that's we want to find out!
stars in November
That's the sky you'll see at mid-November at about 21 hours. You easily identify some constellations like the Great Wagon (UMa - the Great Bear) and Cassiopeia (Cas). Between these you identify the Little Bear (UMi) with the brightest star Polaris. If you would like to take a chart out under the sky, you can print this chart.
UMi enlarged
Here we have the constellation of the Little Bear enlarged. Numbers besides the stars are their magnitudes. This chart you should print out too and take it under the sky!

Now attention - that's your turn!

If you have any comments, suggestions to this project please contact us: !
