program fmPDOS ! ! extracts partial densities of states from PDOS file of SIESTA, ! taking care of flexible format in index, atom_index, etc. fields ! Andrei Postnikov, University Paul Verlaine - Metz (Jul 2010) ! University of Lorraine (Jan 2019) ! ! implicit none integer ii1,io1 parameter (ii1=11,io1=12) integer nt,nmax,i0,ispin,nspin,norbs,it,npts,nene,is,idos,l,lref, . m,mode,mref,zeta,zvalue,atind,n,nref,indref,index,nline, . iquoted,iparsed parameter (nmax=10000) ! max. number of energy values in DOS double precision ene(nmax),dos(nmax,4),dos1(4),dparsed,efermi character inpfil*60,outfil*60,string*80,llabel*80,rlabel*80, . species*6,squoted*6,chlab*6,owrite*1,s1*1,polar*6, . dtail*7 logical filexist,addos,nptdef,ene_fo,isferm external iquoted,squoted,iparsed,dparsed do it=1,nmax do is=1,2 dos(it,is)=0.d0 enddo enddo nptdef = .false. ! We don't know whether the file contains isferm = .false. ! Show the Fermi energy if included in the PDOS ! --- open input and outpute files: ---------------------- write (6,*) ' Input file name (PDOS):' read (5,*) inpfil inquire (file=trim(inpfil), exist=filexist) if (filexist) then open (ii1,file=trim(inpfil),status='old',form='formatted') else write (6,*) ' File does not exist!' stop endif write (6,*) ' Output file name :' read (5,*) outfil inquire (file=trim(outfil), exist=filexist) if (filexist) then write (6,*) ' File ',trim(outfil),' exists. Overwrite? (Y/N)' read (5,*) owrite if (owrite.eq.'Y'.or.owrite.eq.'y') then open (io1,file=trim(outfil),form='formatted',status='REPLACE') else write (6,*) ' Then rename is first. Bye...' stop endif else open (io1,file=trim(outfil),form='formatted',status='NEW') endif write (io1,309) trim(inpfil) ! --- select projected DOS which are needed: ------------- 100 continue write (6,*) ' Extract data for atom index', . ' (enter atom NUMBER, or 0 to select all),' write (6,*) ' or for all atoms of given species', . ' (enter its chemical LABEL):' read (5,*) string ! check first character of string, whether it is decimal i0 = ichar(string(1:1)) if ( then ! 1st character passed is a number; ! assume the whole string is atom number mode = 1 read (string,*,err=401) indref write (io1,301)indref elseif (( then ! 1st character passed is a character [A-Z,a-z]; ! assume the whole string is atom label mode = 2 read (string,*,err=402) species write (io1,302) trim(species) else ! 1st character is a special symbol; presumably an error write (6,306) i0 goto 100 endif write (6,*) ' Extract data for n= ... (0 for all n ):' read (5,*) nref if ( then write (6,*) ' Extract data for l= ... (-1 for all l ):' read (5,*) lref if ( then write (6,*) ' Extract data for m= ... (9 for all m ):' read (5,*) mref else mref=9 endif else lref=-1 mref=9 endif write (io1,308) nref,lref,mref ene_fo = .false. ! are we in the energy reading mode ? addos = .false. ! add this DOS to the result ? nene=0 ! counter for energy values nline = 0 ! global conter for lines in PDOS file ! --- read and analyze the PDOS file line by line: ----------- 11 continue nline = nline+1 read (ii1,'(a80)',err=201,end=202) string if (string(1:6).eq.'') goto 11 if (string(1:7).eq.'') then llabel = '' rlabel = '' nspin = iparsed(string,llabel,rlabel) if (nspin.eq.8) then write (6,*) ' nspin=8 changed to nspin=4' nspin=4 endif goto 11 elseif (string(1:11).eq.'') then llabel = '' rlabel = '' norbs = iparsed(string,llabel,rlabel) goto 11 elseif (string(1:13).eq.'') then llabel = '' rlabel = '' nptdef = .true. npts = iparsed(string,llabel,rlabel) goto 11 elseif (string(1:14).eq.'') then ene_fo = .false. ! List of energies closes nt=nene if ( then write(6,*)' nt=',nt,' > nmax=',nmax,', must be increased' stop endif if ( then write(6,*)' nt=',nt,' differs from npoints=',npts stop endif goto 11 elseif (string(1:8).eq.'') then ! closing the orbital block ! write (io1,*) n,l,m,zeta,polar,' - Orbital block closed' ! write (io1,*) ' addos=',addos goto 11 elseif (string(1:6).eq.'') then ! PDOS block follows: if (addos) write (io1,303) atind,n,l,m,zeta do it=1,nt read (ii1,*) (dos1(ispin),ispin=1,nspin) ! read always... if (addos) then do ispin=1,nspin dos(it,ispin)=dos(it,ispin)+dos1(ispin) ! add only if 'addos' enddo endif enddo read (ii1,'(a7)',err=201,end=202) dtail if ('') then ! check that block write (6,307) nline,dtail,nt ! correctly ends with stop endif goto 11 elseif (string(1:10).eq.'') then ! orbital ends: goto 11 elseif (string(1:7).eq.'') then ! regular end of everything goto 19 elseif (ene_fo) then ! expect energy value... nene=nene+1 read (string,*) ene(nene) goto 11 else write(6,*) ' Unknown identifier in PDOS file, line ',nline write(6,*) string stop endif 19 continue close (ii1) C --- write down accumulated DOS values: ----------------- if (isferm) write (io1,310) efermi write (io1,304) do it=1,nt write (io1,305) ene(it),(dos(it,ispin),ispin=1,nspin) enddo close (io1) stop 201 write(6,*) 'Error reading PDOS file, line ',nline stop 202 write(6,*) 'Unexpected end of PDOS file, line ',nline stop 401 write (6,*) ' Error reading ',trim(string),' as numeric' goto 100 402 write (6,*) ' Error reading ',trim(string),' as string' goto 100 301 format('# summed up for atom index ',i5) 302 format('# summed up over atom species: ',(a)) 303 format('# Add data for atom_index =',i4,', n,l,m,z=',4i3) 304 format('#',/,'# Energy',10x,'spin 1',8x,'spin2',/,'#') 305 format(f13.7,4f15.8) 306 format(' Illegal first character (ASCII =',i4,').',/ . ' Atom number must start from [0-9],', . ' atom label - from [A-Z,a-z]. Try again...') 307 format(' Data mismatch in line ',i6,' :',/ . ' read in -|',a7,'|- instead of expected ', . ' after ',i4,' data lines') 309 format('#',/,'# partial DOS extracted from file ',60a) 310 format('#',/,'# Fermi energy :',f13.8,' eV') 308 format('# selecting orbital keys n=',i2,', l=',i2,', m=',i2,/ . '# The summation is over all zetas (see z= below),',/ . '# neglecting polarisation orbitals (retain orbitals', . ' with P="false" only)',/'#') end C C ...................................................................... C integer function iquoted(string,nline) C C returns integer value contained in string between two delimiters C implicit none integer lquote,rquote,nline character*80 string character*1 delim data delim /'"'/ lquote = scan(string,delim) rquote = scan(string,delim,back=.true.) if ( then read (string(lquote+1:rquote-1),*) iquoted else write (6,*) ' Error locating quotes in line ',nline write (6,*) ' lquote, rquote =',lquote, rquote write (6,*) string stop endif return end C C ...................................................................... C character*6 function squoted(string,nline) C C returns substring contained in string between two delimiters C implicit none integer lquote,rquote,nline character*80 string character*1 delim data delim /'"'/ lquote = scan(string,delim) rquote = scan(string,delim,back=.true.) if ( then read (string(lquote+1:rquote-1),*) squoted else write (6,*) ' Error locating quotes in line ',nline write (6,*) ' lquote, rquote =',lquote, rquote write (6,*) string stop endif return end C C ...................................................................... C integer function iparsed(string,llabel,rlabel) C C reads in an integer value from the field of string 'string' C which is situated between two substrings 'llabel' and 'rlabel'. implicit none integer first,last character*80 string character*80 llabel,rlabel C --- position in 'string' just after appearance of substring 'llabel' first = scan(string,llabel(1:len_trim(llabel))) + + len_trim(llabel) C --- position in 'string' just before the appearance of substring 'rlabel' last = scan(string,rlabel(1:len_trim(rlabel)),back=.true.) - - len_trim(rlabel) if (first.le.last) then read (string(first:last),*,err=801) iparsed return else write (6,*) ' Fail to locate integer field in the string :' write (6,*) string write (6,*) ' first, last =',first,last stop endif 801 write (6,*) ' Fail to read integer number from positions ', . first,' through ',last,' of the string :' write (6,*) string stop end C C ...................................................................... C double precision function dparsed(string,llabel,rlabel) C C reads in an integer value from the field of string 'string' C which is situated between two substrings 'llabel' and 'rlabel'. implicit none integer first,last character*80 string character*80 llabel,rlabel C --- position in 'string' just after appearance of substring 'llabel' first = scan(string,llabel(1:len_trim(llabel))) + + len_trim(llabel) C --- position in 'string' just before the appearance of substring 'rlabel' last = scan(string,rlabel(1:len_trim(rlabel)),back=.true.) - - len_trim(rlabel) if (first.le.last) then read (string(first:last),*,err=801) dparsed return else write (6,*) ' Fail to locate dp field in the string :' write (6,*) string write (6,*) ' first, last =',first,last stop endif 801 write (6,*) ' Fail to read dp number from positions ', . first,' through ',last,' of the string :' write (6,*) string stop end C C ......................................................................