
patrick f.a. wurster, m.a.

personal data

biographical sketch




professional career


volunteer work

further skills


professional organisations




]        papers[


Studium-Generale-Lecture within the conference cycle on "Umwelt-Entwicklung-Frieden (Environment-Development-Peace)" of the University of Osnabrück on: "Participation vs. Democracy: a Collective Biography of the Elites in Togo and its Relevance to the Transformation Process since the 1990's" (in German). December 2004
      Osnabrück, 2004
Presentation to the colloquium "Migration, Demographical Change, and Legal Integration" together with Eloi Coly (director of the Gorée museum, Sénégal) (a.o.) on: "African Immigrants as Elite Migrants? Highly-Skilled Migrations and the New German Migration Policy"(in German and French). October, 24th., 2003
      Düsseldorf, 2003
Paper delivered to the 22nd. bi-annual congress of the German Association of Political Science (DVPW)/ Working Group "Migration Policy" on: "Elites in Togo: On the relationship of Educational Migration and Biographical Characteristics of Elite Membership" (in German). September, 22nd. - 25th., 2003
      Mainz, 2003
Paper delivered to the conference "Kustodialisierung der Inneren Sicherheit. Wachen, kontrollieren, patrouillieren" of the Working Group "Politikfeldanalyse Innere Sicherheit" within the German Association for Political Science (DVPW), on: "The Custodialization of Public Security: Criminalisation, Privatisation, or Reconstruction of the State in Africa?" (in German). February, 15th.-16th., 2002
      Osnabrück, 2002
Paper delivered to the Conference "Challenges of the Representative Democracy" of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (DGfP), on: "Who makes the 'Etat-Rhizôme'? Elites, Networks, and Migration under Democratic Threats" (in German). November, 29th.-December 1st., 2001
      Berlin, 2001
Paper delivered to the annual conference of the German Association of Ethnology/ Working Group "Der Staat im Alltag: Ethnographische Studien in Afrika in vergleichender Perspektive" on: "The 'Etat-Rhizôme' and its Personnel: Elite Biographies, Networks, and Migration in the Togolese Case" (in German). October, 7th.-10th., 2001
      Göttingen, 2001
Paper delivered to the Research Seminar on Ethnology and Sociology of Development of the University of Mainz (Prof. Dr. Bierschenk) on: "Elite Formation and Educational Migrations in the Case of Togo" (in German). May, 3rd., 2001
      Mainz, 2001
Paper delivered to the conference "Etre étranger et migrant en Afrique au XXe. Siècle" (Université Paris VII Denis Diderot, SEDET) on "Elites, Migration, Networks, and Political Transformation in Togo: Some Research Notes" (in English), December, 08th.-11th., 1999
      Paris, 1999
Paper delivered to the conference "Migrant Families and Human Capital Formation in Europe" (Afrika Studiecentrum Leiden) on "Patterns of Elite Migration and Political Transformation in the Case of Togo" (in English). November, 19th.-21st., 1999
      Leiden, 1999




Kurze Konsolidierungen und lange Transitionen: Von der Postkolonie zur 'Postdiktatur' in Togo (Short Consolidations and Long Transitions: From Postcolony to 'Post-Dictature' in Togo), in: Mönkedieck, Rainer, Rolf, Uwe (Eds.): "No Condition is Permanent" - Entwicklungspolitische Herausforderungen im Subsaharische Afrika, Osnabrück: Sozio-Publishing.

      2005 (in print)

Togo: Eyadèma, (E.) G. (1935--), Life and Era of: From Dictatorship to Post-Histoire - The Politics and Economics of Long Transitions and Short Stability, in: Shillington, Kevin (Ed.): Encyclopedia of African History, Chicago/London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.

      2004 (in print)

Kustodialisierung als komparatistische Heuristik: Kriminalisierung, Privatisierung oder Rekonstruktion des Staates in Afrika? (Custodialisation as a Comparative Heuristics: Criminalisation, Privatisation, or Reconstruction of the State in Africa?), in: Lange, B.P., Elsbergen, G.van (eds.): Wachen, kontrollieren, patrouillieren. Kustodialisierung der Inneren Sicherheit, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.


Ländergutachten Togo (Country Evaluation Report - Togo), in: Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.): Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2003. Auf dem Weg zur marktwirtschaftlichen Demokratie, Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung


Elites, Migration, Networks, and Political Transformation in Togo: Some Research Notes, in: Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine, Goerg, Odile, Mandé, Issiaka, Rajaonah, Faranirina (Eds.): Être Étranger et Migrant en Afrique au XXe. Siècle: Enjeux Identitaires et Modes d'Insertion, Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 241-260


Contributor to: Page, Melvin E. (Ed.), 2003: Colonialism. An International Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia, 3 vols., Santa Barbara (Cal.) a.o.: ABC-Clio


Review of Niklas Luhmann: Organisation und Entscheidung, Opladen: Leske+Budrich, 2000, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 42(3), 2001, pp. 518-519 (together with Josef Schmid, Universität Tübingen)


Frühmoderne Herrschaft und Macht im Zentrum: Netzwerke, Organisation und Politik am Beispiel Urbans VIII. und Roms (Early Modern Authority and Power in the Centre: Networks, Organisation, and Politics in the Case of Urban VIII and the City of Rome), in: Concilium Medii Aevii 2000/3, pp. 1-42.





in english

Fall 2004:

Graduate course: "Changing Statehood I: Theories and Practices of Democratic Transformations" -

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Social Sciences

in italian

Spring 2004:

Graduate (Research) course: "Comparative Politics: Democratizations in South-East perspective" (with Prof. Francesca Longo)

Università di Catania
Dept. of Political Science

in german

Spring 2005

Graduate course: "Changing Statehood II: Non-Majoritarian Governance in Segmented Societies: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives"

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Social Sciences

For seeing the details of this course, please enter "/lehre/veranstaltungen_realisiert/sose_2005_non_majo_governance/seminar_programm_03.html"
instead of
(use copy and paste procedure!) in the address bar of your browser.

Fall 2003:

Graduate course: "Politics in Africa between State Failure, Democratisation, and Criminalisation: Recent Developments and Ongoing Debates"

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Social Sciences

Fall 2003:

Undergraduate course: "Introduction to the Social Sciences and History for Students of Literature" for the Intensive Studies Programme on Literature

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Arts

Spring 2003:

Graduate course: "Who governs? Elites, States and Politics in theoretical and comparative Perspectives"

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Social Sciences

Fall 2002:

Graduate course: "Recent Theoretical Developments in Political Science I: Systems Theories"

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Social Sciences

Fall 2002:

Undergraduate course: "The Concept of Text in History and the Social Sciences" for the Intensive Studies Programme on Literature

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Arts


Online-teaching design and -programming for the Project PolitikON (Comparative Politics Section) within the sub-section "Political Opinions and Political Behaviour"


Spring 2002:

Graduate course: "Policy Networks in German Politics: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Research"

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Social Sciences

Spring 2002:

Undergraduate course: "Introduction to the Social Sciences and History for Students of Literature " for the Intensive Studies Programme on Literature

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Arts

Fall 2001:

Undergraduate course: "'What Governments Do, Why they do it, and What Difference it Makes (Dye)': An Introduction to Policy Analysis"

University of Osnabrück
Faculty of Social Sciences

