
At Osnabrück:

Current course:

Wintersemester 12/13 Topologie

Previous courses and exercise classes:

Sommersemester 12 Elemente der Stochastik (BEU)

Wintersemester 11/12 Übungen zu "Mathematik für Anwender I"

Sommersemester 11 Elemente der Analysis (BEU)

Wintersemester 10/11 Übungen zu "Mathematik I"

Previous courses taught at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá:

Fall semester 2009 Algebraic Topology
Linear Algebra I
Seminar on Simplicial Sets
Spring semester 2009 Abstract Algebra 2 (Ring theory and Galois theory)
Seminar on model categories

Previous courses taught at UWO, London, Ontario:

Fall term 2006 Metric Space Topology 304a

Winter term 2006 Calculus 081b

Fall term 2005 Metric Space Topology 304a

Winter term 2005: Finite Math, 028b.

Fall term 2004 Intermediate Calculus I 280a

Institut für Mathematik, Universität Osnabrück