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Schloss Osnabrück

Prof. Dr. Mohssen Massarrat

eMail: Mohssen.Massarrat@uos.de



Short Biography

February 2007


1942 Born in Teheran, living in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1961

1960 University-entrance diploma in Teheran

1961 Entry into the Federal Republic of Germany, study of the German language and internships in various industrial and mining companies

1962- 1967 Studies of Mining in Clausthal-Zellerfeld and at the Technische Universität Berlin, concluding as a graduate engineer

1967- 1974 Studies of Economics and Political Science at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Freie Universität Berlin

1974 Conferral of the doctoral degree "Dr. rer. pol." at the Freie Universität Berlin

1974/1975 Graduate teaching and research assistant at the Department of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin

1975- 1982 Graduate teaching and research assistant at the Department of Social Sciences, Universität Osnabrück

1978 Habilitation: Economics/International Economic Relations at the Universität Osnabrück

since 1982 Professor of Political Science at the Department of Social Sciences, Universität Osnabrück

April 2000-
Dean of the Department of Social Sciences, Universität Osnabrück
Oct. 2001

Oct. 2001- Vice-Dean of the Department of Social Sciences, Universität Osnabrück
March 2004


Academic degrees / qualifications: Graduate engineer for mining; doctorate in political science; habilitation in economics

Teaching in the fields of economy and society / political economy; socio-ecological economy; international politics / peace and conflict research; international economic relations as well as Middle East/Iran.

Research areas:

Publications: More than 400 articles on the above-mentioned foci (books, articles in books and periodicals, articles in political magazines, weekly journals and daily newspapers).


Stays abroad

April- June 1987 Visiting Professor at the University of Hull/Great Britain

March/April 1988 Research stay at the Fernand Brandel Center of the University of New York in Binghampton/USA

Sept./Oct. 1989 Research stay in Brazil and Columbia

Oct. 1990- Research stay at the East West Centre Honolulu, Hawaii/USA

March 1991

Multidisciplinary academic functions

Since 1984 Managing conductor of the interdisciplinary senate study group Third World - Environment and Development

Leading direction of the Colloquium Third World - Environment and Development which has been incessantly held at the University of Osnabrück in co-operation with extra-university institutions since 1982

Leading direction of the interdisciplinary lecture series Environment-
which has been conducted continuously at the University of Osnabrück since the winter semester 1998/99

1992- 2003 Ombudsman of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Since 1998 Ombudsman of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

1992 Direction of the international congress "The Third World and We. Balance and Perspectives for Science and Practice" in Osnabrück

May 1998 Direction of the international European Peace Congress on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Westphalian Peace in Osnabrück

Nov. 2002 Direction of the congress "Balance after the World Summits. Rio de Janeiro 1992 - Johannesburg 2002. Perspectives for Environment and Development" in Osnabrück

Since May 2002 Co-ordinator of the German-Iranian Co-operation in the fields of climate protection, energy policy and sustainable development

Sociopolitical commitment

For more details see "Sociopolitical commitment"

Since 1969 Member of the International Advisory Council of the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research, Cambridge, MA, USA

Since 2001 Member of the scientific advisory board of the magazine Peripherie, Münster

Since 2001 Member of the editorial board of the English-Persian periodical The Iranian Journal of Science (Dialogue), Düsseldorf

Since 2002 Member of the scientific advisory board of attac-Deutschland

Since 2003 Member of the editorial advisory board of the International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Tehran



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Prof. Dr. Mohssen Massarrat emeritierter Professor am Fachbereich Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
Universität Osnabrück
Email: mohssen.massarrat@uni-osnabrueck.de